
Our Expertise

OTC mainly performs the activities hereinafter listed, however do not hesitate to contact us with any specific problem you need to solve, and we will provide a tailored solution for you.

Oil & Gas

  • Mooring Analyses
  • Heavy Lifting (in air / subsea)
  • S.U.R.F 
  • Feasibility / Workability Analyses
  • Structural Engineering
  • Design of Mechanical Systems
  • Method and Installation Engineering
  • Deck Strenght Analyses


  • Concept Design / Feasibility Studies
  • Cable Laying 
  • Installation Procedures
  • Foundations 
  • Transport and Maintenance 
  • Harmonic and Dynamic Analyses
  • Airgap Analysis
  • Fatigue


  • Seafastening and Design of Temporary Structures
  • Vessel Motion / Seekeeping Prediction
  • Vessel Stability Analyses
  • Vessel R.A.O. Development
  • Metocean Plans
  • Wave Spectral Analyses
  • Waves Propagation into Shallow Water